Indian Army DG EME Recruitment 2025

Organization Name: Directorate General of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (Indian Army)

Job Category: Central Govt Jobs 

Government jobs

Employment Type: Regular Basis 

Total No of Vacancies: 624 Group C Posts

Place of Posting: All Over India 

Starting Date:  27.12.2024

Last Date:  17.01.2025

Apply Mode: Offline  

Official Website:

Latest Indian Army DG EME Vacancy Details:

Meerut, UttarPradesh

1. Electrician (Highly Skilled-II) – 01 Post

Agra, UttarPradesh

1. Telecom Mechanic (Highly Skilled Gr -II) – 01 Post

Jabalpur, MadhyaPradesh

1. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled Gr – II) – 01 Post

Jabalpur, MadhyaPradesh

1. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade – II) – 01 Post

New Delhi, Delhi

1. Pharmacist – 01 Post

2. LDC – 11 Posts

3. Fireman – 02 Posts 

4. Fire Engine Driver – 01 Post

5.  Vehicle Mechanic (AFV), Highly Skilled-II – 07 Posts

6. Electrician (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 10Posts

7. Fitter (Skilled) – 03 Posts

8. Welder (Skilled) – 04 Posts

9. Tradesman Mate – 54 Posts 

BB Cantt Srinagar, J&K

1. Cook – 01 Post 

2. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 01 Post

Jabalpur, MadhyaPradesh

1. LDC – 11 Posts 

2. Storekeeper – 01 Post

3. Fireman – 04 Post

4. Telecom Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 07 Posts 

5. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 01 Post 

6. Upholster (Skilled) –  01 Post 

Kankinara,West Bengal

1. Fireman – 02 Posts

2. Electrician (Power) (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 01 Post

3. Tradesman Mate – 13 Posts 

Kankinara,West Bengal

1. LDC – 03 Posts  

2. Storekeeper – 04 Posts 

3. Fireman – 02 Posts  

4. Barber – 01 Post 

5. Electrician (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 02 Posts  

6. Fitter (Skilled) – 02 Posts  

7. Machinist (Skilled) – 04 Posts 

8. Welder (Skilled) – 02 Posts  

9. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 04 Posts  

10. Tradesman Mate – 14 Posts  

Agra, Uttar Pradesh

1. LDC – 04 Posts  

2. Fireman – 03 Posts 

3. Barber – 01 Posts  

4. Telecom Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade – II) Group C – 17 Posts  

5. Electrician (Highly Skilled-II) – 07 Posts  

6. Moulder (Skilled) – 01 Posts  

Meerut, Uttar Pradesh

1. Fireman  – 05 Posts 

2. Telecom Mechanic (HS-II) – 27 Posts 

3. Engineer Equipment Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 04 Posts  

4. Electrician (Highly Skilled-II) – 09 Posts

5. Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle), Skilled – 11 Posts

6. Fitter (Skilled) – 04 Posts 

7. Welder (Skilled) – 02 Posts 

8. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 02 Posts 

9. Tradesman Mate – 28 Posts

Pune, Maharashtra

1. LDC – 15 Posts 

2. Fireman –  04 Posts

3. Vehicle Mechanic (AFV), Highly Skilled-II – 81Posts 

4. Fitter (Skilled) – 01 Post

5. Machinist (Skilled) – 09 Posts 

6. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 01 Post

7. Tradesman Mate – 116 Posts 

Bengaluru, Karnataka

1. LDC – 05 Posts 

2. Stenographer Gr-II – 01 Post

3. Draughtsman Gr-II – 01 Post 

4. Storekeeper – 03 Posts 

5. Fireman – 04 Posts 

6. Electrician (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 03 Posts 

7. Fitter (Skilled) – 16 Posts

8. Welder (Skilled) – 04 Posts

9. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 12 Posts

Vadodara, Gujarat

1. LDC – 06 Posts

Khadki, Pune, Maharashtra

1. Engineer Equipment Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 01 Post

Deolali, Maharashtra

1. Vehicle Mechanic (AFV), Highly Skilled-II – 01 Post 

2. Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle), Skilled – 04 Posts

3. Fitter (Skilled) – 01 Post 

4. CopperSmith  – 03 Posts 

5. Cook – 01 Post 

6. Washerman – 02 Posts 

7. Barber – 01 Post 

8. Multitasking Staff – 03 Posts

9. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade -II) – 02 Posts

10. Storekeeper – 01 Post 

Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

1. LDC – 01 Post  

2. Cook – 02 Posts 

3. Washerman – 01 Post  

4. Fireman – 02 Post  

5. Barber – 01 Post  

6. Multitasking Staff – 10 Posts  

7.  Vehicle Mechanic (AFV), Highly Skilled-II – 01 Post  

8. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 01 Post 

Mhow, Madhya Pradesh

1. Cook – 01 Post

Eligibility Criteria:

 Educational Qualification: 

1. Pharmacist – 
Essential: Pass in 10+2 and 2 (two) years Diploma in Pharmacy and registration with State Pharmacy Council.

2. Electrician (Highly Skilled-II) – 
Essential :- Pass in 10+2 with a certificate from a recognized ITI in the respective trade or grade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

3. Electrician (Power) (Highly Skilled-II) –
Essential :- Pass in 10+2 with a certificate from a recognized ITI in the appropriate trade or grade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

4. Telecom Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) –
Essential :- Pass in 10+2 with a certificate from a recognized ITI in the appropriate trade or grade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

5. Engineering Equipment Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade – II) – 
Essential :- Pass in 10+2 with a certificate from a recognised ITI in the motor mechanic trade; OR B.Sc. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics; or Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification:- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

6. Vehicle Mechanic (AFV) (Highly Skilled-II) – 
Essential :- Pass the 10+2 exam and a certificate in the trade of fitter from an accredited ITI. OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I.
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

7. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) –
 Essential :- Pass the 10+2 exam and a certificate in the trade of fitter from an accredited ITI. OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades. 

8. Draughtsman Grade-II –(i) Matric or its equivalent (ii) Three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized Institute. OR (a) A two-year diploma in mechanical draftsmanship from an ITI or an approved institution’s equivalent is required. (b) Three years experience

9. Stenographer Grade-II –
(i) 12th Pass.
(ii) Skill Test Norms:-
(aa) Dictation: 10mts @ 80 (Eighty) w.p.m
(ab) Transcription: 50 (Fifty) mts (Eng), 65 (Sixty Five) mts (Hindi) (on computer)

10. Machinist (Skilled) – 
Essential :- ITI certification in precision grinding, machining, milling, or Turner from an accredited Industrial Training Institute. OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

11. Fitter (Skilled) -Essential :- ITI certification from an authorized Industrial Training Institute or a grade in the relevant trade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

12. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – 
Essential :- ITI certification from an authorized Industrial Training Institute or a grade in the relevant trade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

13. Upholster (Skilled) –
Essential :- ITI certification from an authorized Industrial Training Institute or a grade in the relevant trade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

14. Moulder (Skilled) –
Essential :- ITI certification from an authorized Industrial Training Institute or a grade in the relevant trade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

15. Welder (Skilled) -Essential :- ITI certification from an authorized Industrial Training Institute or a grade in the relevant trade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

16.  Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) (Skilled) –
Essential :- ITI certification from an authorized Industrial Training Institute or a grade in the relevant trade OR Members of the armed forces or Ex-servicemen from the Relevant Trade and at least Grade I. 
Desirable qualification :- Certificate from the DGE&T, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, issued by the NCVET in the Vocational Trades.

17. Storekeeper – Pass in 12th class 

18. LDC –
(i) Pass in 12th class from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Typing speed of 35 (Thirty Five) words per minute in English on computer or a typing speed of 30 (Thirty) words per minute in Hindi on computer 35  (Thirty Five) words per minute and 30  (Thirty) words per minute correspond to Group 10500/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 (Five) key depressions for each word)

19. Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade) – 
(i) Matriculation.
(ii) must have two years of experience operating heavy  vehicles and hold a civilian driver’s license.

20. Fire Engine Driver –
(i) Matriculation pass or equivalent.
(ii) A valid driver’s license and at least three years of experience operating heavy machinery are prerequisites. 
(i) Needs to understand how to operate and maintain different kinds of fire appliances.
(ii) Experience as a Senior Fireman or Fireman Grade I in a regular Civil or Defense Fire Brigade.
(iii) Must have completed the Sub-Officers Course at the National Fire Service College in Nagpur, the general firefighting course at the Defence Institute of Fire Research, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi, or any other comparable accredited course.

21. Fireman –
(i) Matriculation pass or equivalent.
(ii) Must be conversant with the use and maintenance of all types of extinguishers, hose fittings and fire appliances and equipment like fire engines, trailer, fire pumps foam branches etc.
(iii) The trailer fire pump and all first aid fire fighting equipment must be used and maintained with familiarity.
(iv) Must be familiar with the fundamental firefighting concepts used to combat various fire types.
(v) Must be able to complete the task assigned to them by a fire crew member and be familiar with foot and appliance fire service drills.

22. Cook –
(i) Matriculation pass or equivalent.
(ii) Proficiency in trade and an Knowledge of Indian cooking are essential.

23. Tradesman Mate –  Matriculation (10th) pass

24. Barber –
Essential: Matriculation (10th) pass with proficiency in Barber’s trade job. 
Desirable: One year experience in the trade.

25. Washerman –
(i) Matriculation (10th) pass
(ii) The ability to properly wash military or civilian clothing is required.

26. Multitasking Staff (Daftry/ Messenger/ Searcher/ Gardner/ Safaiwala/ Chowkidar/ Book Binder) – 
Essential: Matriculation (10th) pass 
Desirable: Knowledgeable about the responsibilities of the relevant trades and has one year of experience in the field.

Age Limit: (As on 17.01.2025)

1. Pharmacist – 18 to 25 Years

2. Electrician (Highly Skilled-II) –18 to 25 Years

3. Electrician (Power) (Highly Skilled-II) –18 to 25 Years

4. Telecom Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) –18 to 25 Years

5. Engineering Equipment Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade – II) –18 to 25 Years

6.  Vehicle Mechanic (AFV) (Highly Skilled-II) –18 to 25 Years

7. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) –18 to 25 Years

8. Draughtsman Grade-II –18 to 25 Years

9. Stenographer Grade-II –18 to 25 Years

10. Machinist (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

11. Fitter (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

12. Tin and Copper Smith (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

13. Upholster (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

14. Moulder (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

15. Welder (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

16. Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) (Skilled) –18 to 25 Years

17. Storekeeper –18 to 25 Years

18. LDC –18 to 25 Years

19. Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade) –18 to 25 Years

20. Fire Engine Driver – 18 to 30 years

21. Fireman –18 to 25 Years

22. Cook –18 to 25 Years

23. Tradesman Mate (Group C) –  18 to 25 Years

24. Barber – 18 to 25 Years

25. Washerman –18 to 25 Years

26. Multitasking Staff (Daftry/ Messenger/ Searcher/ Gardner/ Safaiwala/ Chowkidar/ Book Binder) –18 to 25 Years

Relaxation of Upper age limit:

For SC/ ST Applicants: 5 years

For OBC Applicants: 3 years

For PwBD (Gen/ EWS) Applicants: 10 years

For PwBD (SC/ ST) Applicants: 15 years

For PwBD (OBC) Applicants: 13 years

For Ex-Servicemen Applicants: As per Govt. Policy

Salary Details:

1. Pharmacist -Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2800/-

2. Electrician (Highly Skilled-II) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

3. Electrician (Power) (Highly Skilled-II) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

4. Telecom Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

5. Engg Equipment Mechanic (Highly Skilled Grade – II) – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

6. Vehicle Mechanic (AFV) (Highly Skilled-II) – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

7. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

8. Draughtsman Grade-II – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

9. Stenographer Grade-II – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 2400/-

10. Machinist – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

11. Fitter (Skilled) Group C – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

12. Tin and CopperSmith (Skilled) – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

13. Upholster (Skilled) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

14. Moulder (Skilled) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

15. Welder (Skilled) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

16. Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) (Skilled) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

17. Storekeeper –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

18. LDC –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

19. Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

20. Fire Engine Driver – Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

21. Fireman –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

22. Cook –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1900/-

23. Tradesman Mate Group C –  Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1800/-

24. Barber –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1800/-

25. Washerman –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1800/-

26. Multitasking Staff (Daftry/ Messenger/ Searcher/ Gardner/ Safaiwala/ Chowkidar/ Book Binder) –Rs 5200-20200 GP Rs 1800/-

Selection Process:

1. written test

2. Skill Test/ Physical Test

How to Apply:  

Candidates should send their applications in the format specified in the advertisement, along with a self-addressed envelope measuring 10.5 cm by 25 cm and a postal stamp of Rs 5/-, to the address listed next to the post they applied for via regular mail. When sending the application form, candidates are asked to superscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ________” on the top of the envelope.

Postal Address: 

mportant Dates: 

Starting Date for Submission of Application: 27.12.2024

Last date for Submission of Application: 17.01.2025

Official Notification & Application Link:

Indian Army DG EME Official Career Page: Website Link


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