TNPSC Group 4 Study Material Pdf
Are you looking for free and reliable TNPSC Group 4 study materials in PDF format? Look no further than the In this blog post, we’ll share some of the best notes where you can download TNPSC Group 4 study materials in PDF format for free.
Our study materials cover all the topics in the Group 4 syllabus, including General Studies, Aptitude and Mental Ability Tests, and General Tamil. Our team of experts has designed these materials to help you ace the exam and achieve your dream of becoming a TNPSC Group 4 employee.
At, we understand the importance of diverse study materials, and that’s why we provide not just our materials, but also TN Government materials.
We recognize that many TNPSC group 4 aspirants prefer studying in their native language, which is why our study materials are available in English and Tamil. You can choose the language that you’re most comfortable with and still have access to the same high-quality study materials.
Read More: Group 4 Old Questions PDF (Download Free)
Government Notes 2024
S.No |
Material Details |
Tamil |
English |
1 |
General Tamil |
2 |
General Science |
3 |
Geography of India |
4 |
History And Culture Of India |
5 |
Indian Polity |
6 |
Indian Economy |
7 |
Indian National Movement |
8 |
History, Culture, Heritage, and Socio-political
Movements Of Tamil Nadu |
9 |
Development Administration In Tamil Nadu |
10 |
Aptitude and Mental Ability |
Government Notes 2022
S.No |
Material Details |
Pdf Link |
1 |
General Tamil / தமிà®´் |
2 |
Physics / இயற்பியல் |
3 |
Zoology / விலங்கியல் |
4 |
Geography / புவியியல் |
5 |
History / வரலாà®±ு |
6 |
Indian National Movement / இந்திய தேசிய இயக்கம் |
7 |
Indian Economy / இந்திய பொà®°ுளாதாà®°à®®் |
8 |
Aptitude and Mentel Ability / கணிதம் |
The Tamil Nadu Government study materials are free; you can download them easily in PDF format. You can access our study materials anytime, anywhere, and use them to prepare for the exam at your convenience.